Monday, November 19, 2007

There's something caught in my craw..

I was sitting in class today, and a girl in front of me was on Myspace. For some reason, that struck a chord with me. It's almost ridiculous how popular Myspace has become. If a college aged girl can't leave her computer in her room long enough to go to class, that's one thing. I'm guilty of that my self. It helps the time pass by. However, it's a completely different thing when that same girl can't stay off Myspace for all of 50 minutes. I'm not sure what exactly drives people to compulsively refresh the home page of every 10 minutes to see if people have commented on their 'new pix.' Sure, when I first got my Myspace I was like that, but in about a week's time or less, the novelty wore off, and I would hop online once a day to see, and then go do something else.
Anyway, I'm getting side tracked. So, this girl is checking Myspace in front of me every 5 minutes, and some how she stumbles across one of those infamous PETA videos. In this video people are killing chickens or some crap like that, I don't remember, but she's watching it, and all of the sudden her hand flies to her mouth to stifle a gasp of horror, just before she found the 'embed' link on the video's Youtube page, and posted a bulletin entitled "OMG THIS IS HORRIBLE!" or something else equally as ineffective in her own little effort to be a crusader for a cause she knows nothing about. If she had taken the time to do some research on PETA, she would most likely find that many of those videos were staged, and that the animal friendly faces of PETA were behind them. Of course, that was probably too much work, or the article she stumbled upon was too long for her to read, so instead she posted the video, and did exactly what the awfully misguided minds of PETA wanted her to do. If she is reading this, which I highly doubt, (both reading this, and reading anything at all) I urge her to give this article a looksee.

I'm really tired of the idea that ,"fighting for a cause is the hip thing to do" that myspace, and the rest of the internet is perpetuating.

Also on a completely different note, I am really tired of hearing parents that know only the things Fox News wants them to know, tirelessly talking about the "predators" on the internet. Sure, they are out there, but to them I say this:As children we learn from an early age not to trust strangers. If your child is that fucking stupid, they deserve anything that happens to them. You should keep an eye on what your 12 or 13 year old is doing online. You don't have to be an internet watchdog, and as a matter of fact I hate crap like that. All of those net nanny type progams. Instead of installing a program that limits what kids can do online, parents need to pay more fucking attention.

"Parents shouldn't smother their kids, rather, teach them to not be stupid. Kids will never learn unless they're taught, and if all a parent does is protectprotectprotect, how will they ever learn about the world around them?"

That's what I have to say on that.

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